Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Calorie Counting Chart

Fat Based Spreads


Fat Grams

Butter, 1 tsp 36 4.1
Butter, Whipped, 1 tsp 27 3.1
Margarine, 1 tsp 34 3.8

Oils - 1 Tbl

Coconut Oil 120 13.6
Corn Oil 120 13.6
Crisco 106 12
Olive Oil 119 13.5
Palm 120 13.6
Peanut 119 13.5
Safflower 120 13.6
Sesame 120 13.6
Soybean 120 13.6
Sunflower 120 13.6



Fat Grams

Almond Joy, 1 oz 136 2.3
Baby Ruth, 2 oz bar 260 12
Baking Chocolate, 1 oz 143 15
Cadbury, 1 oz 151 8.2
Candy Corn, 1/4 cup 182 1
Caramel, 1 piece 20 .5
Chocolate kisses, 9 pieces 222 12.5
Chocolate Coated Peanuts, 14 pieces 160 9
Chocolate Fudge, 1" cube 84 .3
Chocolate bar, 1 oz 147 9.2
Chocolate Syrup, 1 tbl 46 .5
Citron, 1 oz 89 .1
Cotton Candy - 1 small cone 100 0
German Sweet Chocolate, 1 oz 141 9.4
Hard Candy, 1 oz 109 .3
Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar, 1.65 oz 254 14.5
Jelly Beans, 1 oz 104 .1
Marshmallow, 1 large 19 0
Mounds, 1 oz 135 7
Peanut Brittle, 1 oz 119 2.6
Peppermint Pattie, 1 oz 120 3.2
Planter's Peanut bar, 1.6 oz 240 14
Semi-Sweet chocolate, 1 oz 144 10.1
Special Dark, 1.45 oz 221 12.4
Strawberry Licorice, 1 oz 100 1.0

Snacks (1 oz unless noted)


Fat Grams

Banana Chips 147 10
Bugles 145 7.5
Cheese Ball Puffs 160 10
Chex Party Mix, 2/3 cup 121 5
Corn Chips 155 9.5
Corn Nuts 125 4
Plain Granola Bar, Hard 135 5.5
Peanut Granola Bar, Hard 137 6.2
Chocolate Chip Granola Bar, Soft 120 5
Raisin Granola Bar, Soft 128 5.3
Air Popped Popcorn, 1 cup 30 .3
Popcorn w/Caramel & peanuts 114 2.3
Popcorn w/caramel 122 3.7
Popcorn, cheese flavored 149 9.5
Popcorn, microwave w/butter, 3 cups 192 11.5
Pork Rinds 155 9
Potato chips 155 10
Pretzels 108 1
Pringles, plain 170 13
Rice Cake-brown rice, multigrain, one cake 35 .3
Rice Cake-brown rice, plain, one cake 35 .3
Rice Cake Sesame Sticks, 1 oz 153 1.5
Plain tortilla chips 145 7.5
Trail mix w/chocolate chips 137 9
Trail Mix, regular 130 8.5
Trail Mix, tropical blend 115 5
Fruit Roll-up, one rollup 50 .5

Tips How To Burn Fat

It seems that people can't get enough of weight loss and fat burning tips. Good fat loss tips based on successful experience of other people are great, but only if you apply them. Try to apply at least one of the following tips:

Need to drink cold water or plain water.This is also known as "hydrotherapy" and is a very efficient method that significantly contributes to fat burning and weight loss. Do the following:

  1. When you wake up in the morning, drink 32 ounces of very cold water on an empty stomach.
  2. Wait at least 30 minutes before you eat breakfast.

Now, what is the secret behind this tips? Simple. The cold water will force your body to raise its core temperature and thus stimulate your metabolism. Perform cardio workout but in intervals

***huhuhu..tips tambahan min 2liter setiap hari ok..kalau dapat minum air kosong lg banyak lagi la bagus...uhuks

Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight?

I dont know why its so hard..mostly in a month only can lose 1 kg..sometime dont lose at all..owh gosh..but when i do research and asked DR Rozmey maybe its because I took chemical medicine before..

It's not easy for the majority of us to achieve our weight loss goals, especially when we're on a structured diet.Losing weight often involves more than self-discipline, exercise and counting calories.when we dieting alone,sometimes I always feel bored and sometime loss control la..hahaha..

Here's why it's so hard to lose weight.Lets check it together

Three Factors that Contribute to Your Body Shape and Size (and make weight loss difficult):

1. Age - makin tua kadar metabolisme akan menurun,tak banyak aktiviti dapat buat..so ketika muda ni cpt2 la diet..hehe

2. Set point and metabolism - lemak kat badan yang degil mmg berbeza ikut body memasing..nasib masing2 la kan..

3. Genetics - faktor keturunan..hurmm..ade betul nye tapi ini bukan la satu alasan untuk kite tak boleh capat berat ideal kan..usaha usaha usaha sampai jaya..

Healthier Food Choices

MAKING NUTRIENT-RICH FOOD CHOICES FIRST: KEY TO HAVE A HEALTHFUL DIET..so here is the table for us as JDM5 users..hope this info will help us in our dieting process

Monday, May 12, 2008



Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Come Count Our Food Calories

Murtabak/mutton - 1 piece - 722 kalori
Cheese Cake - 1 slice - 400 kalori
Roti Telur & Dhal - 1 piece & 1/2 cup - 414 kalori
Laksa Kari - 1 bowl - 589 kalori
Nasi Lemak - 1 complete - 644 kalori
Mee Goreng Mamak - 1 plate - 660 kalori
Lor Mee - 1 bowl - 383 kalori
Mee Rebus - 1 plate - 556 kalori
Mee/Bihun Goreng - 1 plate - 510 kalori
Kuey Goreng Kerang - 1 plate - 743 kalori
Mee Wantan - 1 plate - 409 kalori
Laksa Penang - 1 bowl - 436 kalori
Mee sup - 1 bowl - 381 kalori
Lor Mai Fun - 1 plate - 422 kalori
Nasi Briyani Kambing - 1 plate - 587 kalori
Nasi Minyak + Rendang Daging - 1 plate - 664 kalori
Nasi Campur + 3 dish - 1 plate - 620 kalori
Century Egg Porridge - 1 bowl - 423 kalori
Nasi Ayam - 1 plate - 600 kalori
Nasi Goreng Biasa - 1 plate - 637 kalori
Nasi Claypot - 1 bowl - 898 kalori
Bah Kut Teh - 1 bowl - 348 kalori
Sotong goreng tepung - 1 small plate - 630 kalori
Sup Krim - 1 rice bowl - 375 kalori
Cheese burger with extra beef - 1 whole - 438 kalori
Fried fish cake with bun - 1 whole - 433 kalori
sundae chocolate - 1 cup - 380 kalori
Apple Pie - 1 piece - 260 kalori
Cheese & meat sauce - 1 small plate - 444 kalori
sandwich chicken salad - 1 whole - 481 kalori
Pasembur - 1 plate - 752 kalori
Rojak Buah - 1 plate - 443 kalori
teh tarik - 1 glass - 83 calori (if you take 4 cups a day, it will equal to 1 1/2 bowl rice

Monday, January 21, 2008

Let's Count Your Meals-JDM5 Users

Breakfast - sarapan pagi seperti biasa

Lunch - gantikan makan tengahari dengan JUS DIET MATE 5

Dinner - ambil makanan ringan seperti sup sayur atau buah-buahan jika perlu

Estimate 1000 calories for one day in our meals:

Breakfast - 800 cal
Snack - 80 cal
Lunch - Jus Diet Mate 5 (WAJIB/CUMPULSORY)
Tea Time - 80 cal
Dinner - 40 cal

REMEMBER!JUST TAKE ONLY 1000 cal per day

Keperluan tenaga anda yang selebih nya (1800Kcal hingga 2800Kcal ) di dapati dari pembakaran lemak oleh sel-sel yang di aktifkan oleh Jus Diet Mate 5


Kategori:Kuih Muih
1. Kasuiberkelapa parut (sekeping) = 160 kalori
2. Kuih lapis (sekeping) = 130 kalori
3. Bingka ubi (sekeping) = 220 kalori
4. Cekodok Pisang (sebiji sederhana) = 180 kalori
5. Popia goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
6. Popia basah (satu) = 95 kalori
7. Pisang goreng (sekeping) = 170 kalori
8. Kek biasa tanpa krim (sepotong) = 87 kalori
9. Karipap (sebiji) = 130 kalori
10. Sandwich sardin (sekeping) = 70 kalori
11. Bubur kacang (semangkuk) = 100 kalori

Kategori: Lauk Pauk
1. Ikan kembong kari berkuah (seekor) = 85 kalori
2. Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (sepotong) = 142 kalori
3. Ikan kembong goreng (seekor) = 140 kalori
4. Ikan senangin masam manis berkuah (sepotong) = 210 kalori
5. Daging lembu kari berkuah (2 kotak mancis) = 130 kalori
6. Ayam kari berkuah (sepotong) = 250 kalori
7. Ayam goreng (sepotong) = 255 kalori
8. Ayam tandoori (sepotong) = 220 kalori
9. Sambal udang (setengah cawan) = 70 kalori
10. Sambal sotong (setengah cawan) = 55 kalori
11. Telor goreng (sebiji) = 110 kalori
12. Taukua goreng (sekeping) = 110 kalori
13. Kacang panggang dalam tin (2 sudu makan) = 40 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Rutin
1. Nasi putih (satu setengah cawan) = 260 kalori
2. Nasi lemak bersambal (sepinggan) = 400 kalori
3. Nasi goreng bertelur (sepinggan) = 635 kalori
4. Nasi briyani berayam (sepinggan) = 880 kalori
5. Nasi minyak kosong (sepinggan) = 445 kalori
6. Nasi ayam kosong (sepinggan) = 300 kalori
7. Mee goreng kosong (sepinggan) = 660 kalori
8. Mee sup (semangkuk) = 380 kalori
9. Mee hoon goreng (sepinggan) = 550 kalori
10. Roti putih (2 keping) = 156 kalori
11. Roti canai kosong tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 200 kalori
12. Capati tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 180 kalori
13. Pau ayam (sebiji) = 203 kalori
14. Emping jagung kosong (secawan) =160 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Segera
1. Peha ayam goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
2. Nugget ayam (satu) = 60 kalori
3. Kentang lecek (satu tub kecil) = 90 kalori
4. Sayur kobis hancur (satu tub) = 75 kalori
5. Burger keju (satu) = 425 kalori
6. Kentang goreng (satu kantung kecil) = 405 kalori
7. Sate ayam (secucuk) = 35 kalori
8. Pizza berkeju (sepotong) = 240 kalori

Kategori: Buah-buahan
1. Tembikai (sepotong) = 20 kalori
2. Betik (sepotong) = 45 kalori
3. Pisang emas (2 biji) = 76 kalori
4. Durian (5 ulas) = 64 kalori
5. Limau (sebiji) = 42 kalori
6. Jambu batu (sebiji) = 110 kalori
7. Nenas (sepotong) = 59 kalori
8. Epal (sebiji) = 63 kalori
9. Ciku (sebiji) = 44 kalori
10. Mangga (sebiji) = 103 kalori

kategori minuman

1.minuman berkabonat 1 tin 285g = 120 kal
2.minuman kotak 250g = 105 kal
3.susu tepung penuh krim 1 sudu makan = 33 kal
4.susu tepungtanpa lemak 1 sudu makan = 25 kal
5.aiskrim 2 skop= 390 kal
6.susu pekat manis 1 sudu makan = 71 kal
7.yogurt rendah lemak 1 cawan = 90 kal
8.mentega 2 sudu teh = 75 kal
9.keju chedar 1 keping =58 kal